Yeremko, L. S.Hanhur, V. V.Len, O. I.Єремко, Людмила СергіївнаГангур, Володимир ВасильовичЛень, Олександр Іванович2024-07-222024-07-222024Yeremko L., Hanhur V., Leń O. The effect of mineral fertilization and seed inoculation on productivity of pea. Dylematy rolnictwa w XXI w. – szanse i zagrożenia : VIII Konferencja naukowa z cyklu „Nauka i Praktyka – Rolnictwo różne spojrzenia” (Chełm, 3-5 czerwca 2024 r.). Chełm, 2024. P. 169–170. doi: decrease in the amount of food products of animal origin, especially in countries with low living standards and incomes, has led to an escalation of the problem of food protein deficiency. At the same time, the problem of the so-called hidden hunger caused by a lack of micronutrients in the diet is becoming an ever-growing danger. Scientists note that this problem is affecting regions with insufficient food supply, as well as highly developed countries, where most of the population consumes a lot of energy intensive, micronutrient-poor foods high in carbohydrates and fats.enPeamineral fertilizationseed inoculationproductivityThe effect of mineral fertilization and seed inoculation on productivity of peaThesis