Markina, I. A.Somych, M. I.Diachkov, D. V.Маркіна, Ірина АнатоліївнаСьомич, Микола ІвановичДячков, Дмитро Володимирович2019-02-162019-02-162018-04-261691-2489 paper considers the essence and the role of food security. The main aspects of food security (i.e. socio-economic and political-economic one), are defined by author. The following components of food security are identified: food independence, the economic accessibility of food for the population, the share of total household expenditure on food, physical accessibility of food, quality and safety of food, and the level of stocks of basic food resources. The principles of the food security policy formation are characterized: availability, stability, efficiency of use, accessibility.enagricultural enterpriseagro-food industryfood securityglobalizationinternational economicsnational securitysocio-economic relationsKey problems of ensuringfood security in the context of globalizationInformational technologies, Management and SocietyThesis