Захарчук, В. О.Тагільцева, Яніна МихайлівнаTahiltseva, Y. М.2024-02-062024-02-062023https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16631Захарчук В. Peculiarities of semantic transformations when translatig texts of various genres. Мова і міжкультурна комунікація: теорія та практика : зб. матеріалів IV всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Полтава, 22 берез. 2023 р.) / наук. керівник Я. Тагільцева. Полтава, 2023. С. 197-199.The translation is the process of conveying the meaning of a text from one language to another. It involves various stages, including comprehension, analysis, and interpretation, and the resulting output is often subject to semantic transformations. These transformations can occur due to linguistic, cultural, and contextual differences between the source and target languages, as well as the genre of the text being translated. This research paper aims to study the specific features of semantic transformations when translating texts of various genresentranslationpeculiarities of semantic transformationsPeculiarities of semantic transformations when translatig texts of various genresArticle