Shmyhol, I.Hrytsai, N.Onipko, V. V.Оніпко, Валентина Володимирівна2023-09-192023-09-192021Shmyhol І., Hrytsai N., Onipko V. Problems of overweight and obesity among students at general secondary educational institutions. Journal of Physical Education and Sport. 2021. Vol. 21, iss. 5. P. 2901‒2907. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2021.s53852247-80512247 - 806X many countries around the world, about 63% of deaths are caused by chronic noncommunicable diseases. Obesity is one of the factors in the development of a number of noncommunicable diseases (cardiovascular, diabetes, etc.). It is the most common metabolic disease among people of all ages in all countries. The WHO (the World Health Organization) recognized obesity as a new non-communicable «epidemic» of our time. Despite the fact, that noncommunicable diseases kill adults more frequently, the predisposition to risk factors begins in childhood and its negative consequences accumulate throughout the lifespan. That is why regular monitoring of the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents is relevant and appropriate. Materials and methods. 340 schoolchildren, including 196 boys aged 8-16 and 144 girls aged 8-15 research took part in the research. Analysis of the prevalence of overweight and obesity among schoolchildren was carried out using anthropometric data (body weight and height) and the calculation of the body mass index, taking into account the standards of the percentiles. Results and conclusions. The results of the study during 2017-2020 showed that a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity was observed in boys aged 8-12 years and girls aged 8-11 years. The predominance of overweight and obese people among girls or boys cannot be stated unequivocally, because of a disproportion throughout the years. In 2017 and 2020, a higher percentage of overweight people was observed among boys, in 2018-2019 - among girls. The prevalence of obesity in 2017-2018 was higher among girls, in 2019-2020, respectively, among boys. It was also found that the percentage of obese and overweight schoolchildren during the study period was high. In 2020 there was a significant increase of obese and overweight schoolchildren in comparison with previous years.enOverweightobesityschoolchildreneducational institutionsProblems of overweight and obesity among students at general secondary educational institutionsArticle