Shymanovska-Dianych L.Ishcheikin, T. Y.Voronina, V. L.Іщейкін, Тимур ЄвгеновичВороніна, Вікторія Леонідівна2021-10-132021-10-132021978-611-01-2365-5 L., Ishcheikin T., Voronina V. Approach to management of personnel as a way to ensure its safety and effectiveness in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. Security management of the xxi century: national and geopolitical aspects. Issue 3: [collective monograph] / in edition I. Markina. – Prague. – Nemoros s.r.o. – 2021. – Czech Republic. – 404 p. Р. 311-318Управлінняекономічна безпекаперсоналменеджментApproach to management of personnel as a way to ensure its safety and effectiveness in the context of the COVID-19 pandemicMonograph