Канівець, Олександр ВасильовичКанівець, Ірина МихайлівнаГорда, Тетяна Михайлівна2021-01-282021-01-282020http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2547/https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/9714We conducted an analysis of the learning aids used in the study of general technical disciplines. This allowed us to draw an analogy between physical and virtual models and justify the development of a mobile application to perform tasks on a projection drawing. They showed a technique for creating mobile applications for augmented reality. The main stages of the development of an augmented reality application are shown: the development of virtual models, the establishment of the Unity3D game engine, the development of a mobile application, testing and demonstration of work. Particular attention is paid to the use of scripts to rotate and move virtual models. The in-house development of the augmented reality mobile application for accomplishing tasks on a projection drawing is presented. The created mobile application reads, recognizes marker drawings and displays the virtual model of the product on the screen of the mobile device. It has been established that the augmented reality program developed by the team of authors as a mobile pedagogical software can be used to perform tasks both with independent work of students and with the organization of classroom activities in higher education institutions.електронна модельдоповнена реальністьUnity3DVuforiaмобільний додатокDevelopment of mobile applications of augmented reality for projects with projection drawingsArticle