Горик, Олексій ВолодимировичКовальчук, Станіслав БогдановичБрикун, Олександр Миколайович2022-06-282022-06-282022https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/12229The work is devoted to the study of the stability of technical fractions in the process of shot blasting of metal surfaces of products for the preparation of protective coatings. That is, the time of effective operation of the shot blast torch under the condition of wear of the pellets with a decrease in their diameter to a certain critical limit, which would provide the specified parameters of roughness within the allowable deviation. The relationship between the period of stability of the technical fraction and the number of cycles of use of the fraction to reach the critical diameter of the pellets at the rate of flow of the fraction from the shot nozzle. On the basis of experimental-theoretical researches some numerical values of parameters of process of mechanical wear of a technical fraction at optimum modes of process of influence of an abrasive-air torch on a metal surface are established. The technical indicators proposed in this paper and the relationship between them can be used to update the technical requirements for the technical fraction.дробоструминне очищеннястійкість технічного дробучисло циклів використання дробурозмірний знос дробуСТІЙКІСТЬ АТАКУЮЧИХ ДРОБИНОК У ПРОЦЕСІ ДРОБОСТРУМІННЯThesis