Левченко, Юлія ВікторівнаБасова, Юлія ОлександрівнаСупрович, О.2023-06-272023-06-272023-05-31979-8-3986978-6-5https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15114The fight against energy and environmental problems continues continuously and at an ever-increasing pace. The development of renewable energy sources in the world is connected with limited energy resources. Most of all in Ukraine, the use of biomass energy for obtaining thermal and electrical energy has developed from renewable energy sources. Poltava region has a high potential for obtaining biomass due to the highly efficient development of the agro-industrial complex.Перспективи використання та аналіз видів біомаси Полтавського регіону як джерела електричної енергії