Ковальчук, Станіслав БогдановичГорик, Олексій ВолодимировичЗiньковський, Анатолiй Павлович2020-09-212020-09-212020-03https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8456Explicit analytical solution to the problem of the strain–stress state of a narrow multilayer disk with a radial alternation of layers is presented. The disk rotates with acceleration, in an axisymmetric temperature field, under the action of normal and tangential loads uniformly distributed on its cylindrical surfaces. The relations are obtained by solving the system of equations of the plane problem of elasticity in a polar coordinate system, given a discretely inhomogeneous structure of the disk. The solution obtained gives the distribution of stresses and displacements throughout the disk layers and can be used to address a wide range of applied problems and methods of optimal designcomposite diskconcentric layersrotationaccelerationtemperature fieldstressstraindisplacementкомпозитный дискконцентрические слоивращениеускорениетемпературное поленапряжениядеформацииперемещениякомпозитний дискконцентричні шариобертанняприскореннятемпературне поленапруженнядеформаціїпереміщенняAnalytical Solution of the Problem of Thermoelastic Deformation of a Nonuniformly Rotating Multilayer DiskArticle10.1007/s10778-020-01008-8