Shkurupii, O. V.Pedchenko, N.Shymanovska-Dianych, L.Yakhno, T.Franko, L.Шкурупій, Ольга Всеволодівна2024-01-092024-01-0920212306-49942310-8770UDC: 330.1:338.19–304.02 O., Pedchenko N., Shymanovska-Dianych L., Yakhno T., Franko L. Macroeconomic effect of corporate social responsibility: Ukraine’s international status. Financial and credit activity: problems of theory and practice. 2021. Vol. 6. No. 41. Р. 318-328. URL : article proves the need and possibility to determine the macroeconomic effect of corporate social responsibility. The need for research is due to the gradual establishment of post-capitalist relations in society. This changes the system of interaction between business, society and the state. At the same time, it is taken into account that the systemic transformation is accompanied by deepening asymmetries and crisis phenomena in the world economy, increasing risks and challenges to society. This also leads to the need of the determination of the macroeconomic effect of corporate social responsibility.ensustainable developmentcorporate social responsibilitymacroeconomic systemmacroeconomic effect of corporate social responsibilitypost-capitalismMacroeconomic effect of corporate social responsibility: Ukraine’s international statusArticle