Shostia, A. M.Pavlova, I. V.Slynko, V. H.Chukhlib, Y. V.Yukhno, V. M.Shaferivskyi, B. S.Sokyrko, M.Шостя, Анатолій МихайловичПавлова, Інга ВолодимирівнаСлинько, Віктор ГригоровичЧухліб, Євгеній ВолодимировичЮхно, Віктор МиколайовичШаферівський, Богдан Сергійович2021-05-132021-05-1320212520-69902520-2480UDC 633.367.003.13:631.58 of the boars use regimes leads to deteri- oration in the sperm quality. The percentage of motile sperm in ejaculates collected at seven- and six-day in- tervals between successive selections remains at a rela- tively high and similar level, approximately 72.8–73.9%, and it even slightly increases (up to 75.0 %) at five days intervals. Increasing the frequency of ejaculation selection with an interval of less than five days leads to a decrease in the sperm motility in ejaculates. The index of actively motile sperm in ejaculates collected at one-day intervals was 67.78 %, or by 7.2 2% less than in ejaculates obtained at five-day intervals. This differ- ence was significant at P≤0.05 (Bajena at al., 2016) [1]. The most important characteristic of ejaculate fertiliza- tion is the total number of motile sperm. It determines the number of insemination doses that can be prepared of a single ejaculate (Kondracki et al., 2013) [9]. The data show that with an interval of seven, six or five days between consecutive collections, the number of sperm in the ejaculate remains at a very high level (more than 90 billion motile sperm). Reducing the intervals be- tween consecutive collections to four, three, two and one days leads to a decrease in the number of sperm in the ejaculate by at least 10 billion per day. Similar trends were observed in the case of the number of in- semination doses obtained from one ejaculate.breeding boarsmodes of usesemensperm productionhumic substancesQUALITY OF THE POLTAVA MEAT BREEDING BOARS’ SPERM PRODUCTION DEPENDING ON THEIR USE REGIMENS AND UNDER THE EFFECT OF “HUMILID” FEED SUPPLEMENTArticle