Berezina, L. M.Березіна, Людмила Михайлівна2024-12-242024-12-242024Bal-Prylypko, L., Berezina, L., Stepasyuk, L., Cherednichenko, O., & Lialyk, A. (2024). Developing dairy farming and improving product quality. Scientific Horizons, Vol. 27(1). Pp. 140-151. doi: 10.48077/scihor1.2024.140.UDC 006.83:636.2.034 need to find ways to improve the quality characteristics of milk as a basis for increasing the competitiveness of dairy products in the global market determines the relevance of the study. Ukraine’s dairy industry is one of the critical ones in the agricultural sector of the economy, as it provides the country’s population with vital foodstuffs. The purpose of this study was to substantiate the areas of solving organisational and economic problems of development of the dairy industry to meet the needs of the domestic market with quality dairy products and increase export potential.enmilkquality of dairy productsinternational standardsproducersrelease priceDeveloping dairy farming and improving product qualityArticle