Shakalii, S. M.Bahan, A. V.Шакалій, Світлана МиколаївнаБаган, Алла Василівна2025-01-232025-01-232025Shakaliі S. M., Bagan А. V. Seed productivity of mustard varieties depending on sowing rate. Education and science in the context of global changes : scientific multidisciplinary monograph. Dallas : Primedia eLaunch, 2025. P. 369–373.979-8-89704-601-0 in climatic resources, with a tendency to increase temperature, today require an expansion of the range of agricultural crops, including oilseeds. This is possible by introducing more drought-resistant crops into the crop rotation, which are able to easily adapt to different growing conditions. One of such crops is white mustard1/2/3.enMustardvarietyseed productivitysowing rateSeed productivity of mustard varieties depending on sowing rateBook chapter