Kharchenko, V.Ponochovnyi, Y. L.Ivanchenko, O.Fesenko, H.Illiashenko, O.Поночовний, Юрій Леонідович2022-08-312022-08-312022 V, Ponochovnyi Y, Ivanchenko O, Fesenko H, Illiashenko O. Combining Markov and Semi-Markov Modelling for Assessing Availability and Cybersecurity of Cloud and IoT Systems. Cryptography. 2022; 6(3):44. and Semi-Markov ModellingAvailability and CybersecurityCombining Markov and Semi-Markov Modelling for Assessing Availability and Cybersecurity of Cloud and IoT SystemsArticle10.3390/cryptography6030044