Budnyk, N. V.Будник, Ніна ВасилівнаПешук, Людмила ВасилівнаГаленко, Олег Олександрович2020-01-262020-01-262011-04(ISSN 2068 – 6609) ishttp://www.usv.ro/index.php/ro/1/Editura%20USV/238/3/15https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/6751The latest designs of national and foreign gerodietic products were analyzed. Developed a technology of sausage products with bone paste. Examined a microstructure of model sausage meat with different content of bone paste. Determined the optimal share of bone paste in sausages. Peshuk L.V., Budnyk N.V. Halenko О.О. Gerodietic meat products technology enriched with calcium and phosphorus. Journal Food and Environment Safety of the Suceava University Food Engineering. Romania, Suceava: UPHS, 2011. V. 10. № 4. P. 18 – 24.Meat, bone paste, rapana seashell, quail eggshell, mussel shell, receipt, boiled sausage, gerodietic nutrition.Gerodietic meat prod-ucts technology en-riched with calcium and phosphorusArticle