Короткова, Ірина ВалентинівнаСахно, Тамара ВікторівнаСивкова, Н.М.Степаненко, Л.В.Шаповаленко, Н.Ю.2019-08-302019-08-302010-03УДК 577.323; 577.332https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5693The article presents analysis of consequences the environmental carcinogenic factors effects on a human being, especially of benzpyrene, its high carcinogenic activity is caused by the significant distribution in water, atmospheric air, ground, plants and foodstuff. The calculations of absorption spectra of benzpyrene and its metabolites were carried out with the quantum$chemical method PM3 (Hyper Chem 7.0). The possibility of their use for qualitative and quantitative detection of metabolites in a biological material as well as for assessment of their carcinogenic nature has been shown.поліциклічні ароматичні вуглеводні, бензпірен, канцерогени, метаболізмБензпірен як фактор ризику виникнення онкологічних захворюваньArticle