Stadnytska, O.Gutyj, B.Khalak, V.Fedak, V.Dudchak, I.Zmiia, M.Shuvar, I.Balkovskyi, V.Shuvar, A.Korpita, H.Chyzhanska, N.Kuzmenko, L. M.Vakulik, V.Кузьменко, Лариса Михайлівна2023-01-262023-01-262022 assessment of the constitution of the polissian beef cattle in the conditions of the Precarpathian region / O. Stadnytska, B. Gutyj, V.I. Khalak, V.D. Fedak, I.P. Dudchak, M. Zmiia, I. Shuvar, V. Balkovskyi, A. Shuvar, H. Korpita, N.V. Chyzhanska, L.M. Kuzmenko, V.V. Vakulik. International Conference «Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture» Book of Abstracts. Section 3 Animal Science. Bucharest, 2022. Р. 32.body structure indices of Polissian beef cows, cattle breeding, constitution, measurements of the bodiesBiological assessment of the constitution of the polissian beef cattle in the conditions of the Precarpathian regionThesis