Калашник, Олена ВолодимирівнаКириченко, Олена ВасилівнаМороз, Світлана Едуардівна2019-02-132019-02-1320162227-6920https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2213We consider the possibility of evaluation of table linen, namely cotton napkins,using graphical methods. Indicators of napkin quality are defined using standard methods. The following values of indicators such as number of stitches per 10 cm, breaking load, capillarity, shrinkage ,and the size of the product do not meet the requirements of regulatory documents and manufacturers’ information.entable linen, napkins, evaluation, quality, breaking load, capillarity, changes in linear dimensions after wet treatmentsEVALUATION OF QUALITY OF TABLE LINEN BY GRAPHICAL METHODОЦІНЮВАННЯ ЯКОСТІ СТОЛОВОЇ БІЛИЗНИ ГРАФІЧНИМ МЕТОДОМArticle