Lyashenko, S. S.Chebotaryova, V. P.Ляшенко, С. С.2024-03-112024-03-112023Lyashenko S. S., Chebotaryova V. P. Development mechanical means for the energy-saving technology of chopping the tree branches in the conditions of private farm households. Новітні технології в агроінженерії: проблеми та перспективи впровадження : матеріали ІІІ всеукр. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. (м. Полтава, 23 черв. 2023 року). Полтава, 2023. С. 53–56. raw materials potential of firewood for burning in the Poltava region is rapidly decreasing in recent years, and the search for alternatives leads household owners to development of wood waste. It is known that during the wood processing (especially on an industrial scale), a large amount of waste is generated (about 50% of the volume of finished products), which under the correct approach can be used for further processing and further use. Non-waste technologies are in great demand. This includes, in particular, an innovative non-waste technology for utilization of branches of fruit trees cut in the gardens of private households. The use of chopped tree branches as a crisis resistant fuel material is currently an alternative source for space heating.enEnergy-saving technologychopping the tree branchesprivate farm householdsdevelopment mechanical meansDevelopment mechanical means for the energy-saving technology of chopping the tree branches in the conditions of private farm householdsThesis