Voronko-Nevidnycha, T. V.Bolshakova, Y. L.Воронько-Невіднича, Тетяна ВікторівнаКовтун, ОленаБольшакова, Євгенія Леонідівна2023-02-072023-02-072022-02https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/14595Nowadays the external environment generates high competitive demands, which in the context of modern socio-economic and social conditions, actualize the problem of developing an effective tool for the stable development management of enterprises in the agro-industrial sphere. In fact, practice proves that the current problems can not be solved without the development of an actionable mechanism to ensure the stability of the enterprise developmentагропродовольча сферасталий розвитокпідприємствоуправлінняSTABLE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRI-FOOD ENTERPRISES: A STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT MECHANISMBook chapter