Antonets, M. O.Silchuk, O. V.Bozhko, K.Антонець, Марина ОлексіївнаСільчук, Олеся Василівна2020-07-012020-07-012019 society is marked by crisis of spiritual values among young people. However, young people can create happy families and a developed state on the basis of renewed mind. The problem can be solved by including spiritual component into the training process of university. Biblical values can be integrated into courses of the Humanities and Social sciences. The authors have conducted the research in four universities in Ukraine. In order to estimate the level of the development of spiritual values among university students, it has been used the method E. Pomytkin. The result of the study demonstrates that students give preference to family values. The challenge is that university students do not have enough spiritual knowledge to create good families. Therefore, it becomes necessary to develop and introduce a program for the spiritual development in the training process of higher education in Ukraine. Thus, the topics „The Bible as the Word of God‟, „Good and Evil‟, „Contemporary Anthropological Problems‟, „The meaning of life in the context of political understanding‟, „Gender problems and the Modern Family‟ and the trainings „Appreciate life‟, „My words‟ and „Lifelong Marriage‟ are included in the course of „Philosophical Problems of Biology‟, „Psychology‟, „Ethics and Aesthetics‟spirituality, biblical, values humanities, social sciencesThe spiritual development of university students: a fundamental role of the humanities and social sciencesArticle