Vakulenko, Y. V.Sakalo, V. M.Minkova, O. H.Lyashenko, S. V.Kalinichenko, A. V.Вакуленко, Юлія ВалентинівнаСакало, Віктор МиколайовичМінькова, Ольга ГригорівнаЛяшенко, Сергій ВасильовичКалініченко, Антоніна Володимирівна2018-04-012018-04-012017-12978-83-943189-1-8 Yu. V. The state and prospesta of development of alternative energy sources in Ukraine / Vakulenko Yu. V., Sakalo V. M., Minkova O, G., Lyashenko S. V., Kalinichenko A. V. // W Monografii: Odnawialne źródła energii: teoria i praktyka (tom 2) (pod red. P. Ratusznego i I. Petkun). Uniwersytet Opolski, 2017. - P. 132-143.The article deals with the study of state regulation in the field of management and stimulation using of renewable sources in Ukraine. The main mechanisms of support for the use and receipt energy from various renewable and non-traditional sources are highlighted. The content discloses the potential for solar, wind and water energy, the use of biomass as a source of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels.enrenewable energy sourcesregulationstimulation of useenergy efficiencyenergy potentialThe state and prospects of development of alternative energy sources in Ukraine[In book]: Odnawialne źródła energii. Teoria i praktyka. Tom II (pod redakcją Izabeli Pietkun-Greber i Pawła Ratusznego).Book chapter