Ivanchenko, O.Kharchenko, V.Brezhnev, E.Ponochovnyi, Y. L.Moroz, B.Kabak, L.Поночовний, Юрій Леонідович2023-11-222023-11-222020-05978-1-7281-9957-3/20/S31.00https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/15417O. Ivanchenko, V. Kharchenko, E. Brezhnev, Y. Ponochovnyi, B. Moroz and L. Kabak, "Dependability Assessment for SCADA System Considering Usage of Cloud Resources," 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies (DESSERT), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 13-17, doi: 10.1109/DESSERT50317.2020.9125052Control (SCADA) system is one the most significant cyber-oriented components of management circuit for any complex hierarchical infrastructure. The effectiveness and performance of the SCADA system depends on a number of relevant factors including a possibility to utilize additional cloud resources. Of particular note, the cloud services ean apply in order to create concurrent redundant system for implementation of disaster recovery feature of SCADA information resources during different deliberate malicious impacts and intrusions. However, in spite of the fact that usage of the cloud services allow to enhance functionality of SCADA system, there are dependability and cybersecurity’ aspects for their joint utilization hat keep to remain a serious challenge for service personnel and users. In this paper, authors propose to employ analytical and stochastic modelling in order to get a numerical dependability assessment for SCADA system with realization of the cloud resourcing support considering influence of diverse negative factors, Furthermore, developers can utilize these modelling results in order to perform justification of overall functional requirements of the SCADA system.enSCADA architecturesystemic failure diagramreliability block diagramSemi-Markov Modelling Processdependability assessmentDependability Assessment for SCADA System Considering Usage of Cloud ResourcesArticle