Ushenko, N.Metelytsia, V.Lytovchenko, I.Yermolaieva, M. V.Sharmanska, V.Klopov, I.Єрмолаєва, Марина Валентинівна2024-01-292024-01-292023, N., Metelytsia, V., Lytovchenko, I., Yermolaieva, M. Development of digital infrastructure and blockchain in Ukraine. Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, 2023, № 6. PP. 162-168. DOI: determine the role of digital infrastructure in the context of the digital transformation of Ukraine and to analyze the possibilities of applying blockchain technologiesendigital economydigital infrastructureinternational levelblockchainDevelopment of digital infrastructure and blockchain in UkraineArticle