Kravchuk Oksana, Zvonar Viktor, Shashyna Maryna, Perestyuk Inga, Pomaz Oleksandr2023-01-172023-01-172022 main aspects of the interaction between government, business, and society through the prism of the decentralization reform / O. Kravchuk, V. Zvonar, M. Shashyna, O. Pomaz // AD ALTA: Journal of interdisciplinary research. - 2021. - Vol. 11, Issue 2, Special Issue XXII. - P. 155-160. The purpose of the research is to define the concept, which includes the fundamental aspects, tools, methods, stages, and directions of the interaction of authorities, business, and society under conditions of implementation of the decentralization reform. In the course of the research, the general scientific methods of cognition were used, gathered on the survey results from information and the normative-legal support of administrative management were analyzed. The article suggests innovative directions of such interaction realization based on the improvement of information support; building of corresponding institutes; technical support with the use of cloud services, which would provide transparent access to the information to all participants of an interaction.Tripartite Interaction, Decentralization, Territorial CommunityTHE MAIN ASPECTS OF THE INTERACTION BETWEEN GOVERNMENT, BUSINESS, AND SOCIETY THROUGH THE PRISM OF THE DECENTRALIZATION REFORMArticle