Mykhailenko, H. H.Михайленко, Галина Григорівна2025-02-032025-02-032024-12Mykhailenko H. H. Marketing approaches to promoting educational products using archetypes and implicative associations. Актуальні проблеми та перспективи розвитку національного господарства в умовах глобальної нестабільності : матеріали міжнар. форуму (м. Кременчук, 02-03 груд. 2024 р.). Кременчук, 2024. С. 35–37.2307-6291 education faces numerous challenges, such as increasing competition among institutions, the need to integrate cutting-edge technologies and changing demands from students and educators. In this context, innovative marketing strategies become not just a means of promoting educational products but also a tool for creating added value and establishing long-term connections with the target audience.enMarketing approachespromotingeducational productsarchetypesimplicative associationsMarketing approaches to promoting educational products using archetypes and implicative associationsThesis