Ponochovnyi, Y. L.Boyarchuk, A.Kharchenko, V.Odaruschenko, Oleg2019-02-092019-02-092010978-83-7493-527-2https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2022Objective of the chapter is development of the basic models and technique for modeling and dependability assessment of Web-services for different variants of SOA. The structure of the chapter is the following. The set of the basic models for the different cases of Web-services (Web-services with and without availability losses, composite Web-services) and aggregated models which combine the dif-ferent cases is proposed in the second and third sections accordingly. The forth section is dedicated to development of the model for Web-service with availabil-ity loss. Some results of implementation of the proposed technique and directions of further research are discussed in the last section.enWeb-Servicesavailability modelsBasic Models for Dependable Web-Services: Technique for Development and ResearchMonographs of System Dependability: Dependability of NetworksMonograph