Ivanchenko, O.Kharchenko, V.Ponochovnyi, Y. L.Blindyuk, I.Smoktii, O.2019-02-132019-02-132017Ivanchenko, O., Kharchenko, V., Ponochovny, Y., Blindyuk, I., Smoktii, O. Semi-Markov availability model for infrastructure as a service cloud considering hidden failures of physical machines (2017) CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1844, pp. 634-644.https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85020521567&partnerID=40&md5=2f061c0594ea2f3223eba4a9dc1914bchttps://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2172Results of researches in different areas of science and technique confirm that an effective route in order to solve important tasks is the possibility of migrating data resource within the cloud. Therefore Cloud Computing services including Infrastructure as a Service Cloud (IaaS Cloud) should have high availability level. It is serious problem, because even large cloud providers face with sudden failures of IaaS Cloud. It comes no surprise, that scientists consider taxonomy of this system on base of using overall underlying components, such as physical machines (PMs) and virtual machines (VMs). However cloud providers should always remember that hidden failures of PMs are one of the main causes of damage for their cloud assets. In this paper we propose approach on base of using Semi-Markov model in order to determine availability level for the IaaS Cloud with Technical State Control System.enInfrastructure as a service cloudSemi-Markov availability modelSemi-Markov availability model for infrastructure as a service cloud considering hidden failures of physical machinesArticle