Дубова, Галина ЄвгеніївнаСукманов, Валерій ОлександровичМаринін, Андрій ІвановичЗахаревич, В. Б.Воскобойник, Валентина ІванівнаDubova, H. Y.Sukmanov, V. O.2019-10-102019-10-1020162310-9599https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5980Such properties of the distillates as dispersion and the size of the micro particles using a Zetasizer Software 7.11 are discussed at the article for the first time. It is established that the hydrodynamic diameter of the particles in the distillate values from 200 nm to 600 nm. Changes of the hydrodynamic particles size in distillate by water dilution confirms the assumptions about their hydrophobic nature and availability of results of such processes as coacervation, hydrophobic hydration, hydrophobic interaction. The differences in sensory characteristics to some extent is confirmed by the differences in the average hydrodynamic diameter of the sample.aroma, distillate, esters, acetals, dispersion, isomerizationSTUDIES OF SOME ASPECTS IN THE PROCESS OF AROMA RESTORATIONArticle