Маркіна, Ірина АнатоліївнаMarkina, IrynaNaumov, OleksandrKuznichenko, Serhii2019-02-202019-02-202018http://scienceandeducation.pdpu.edu.ua/en/articles/2018-4-doc/2018-4-st12-en2414-46652311-8466https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/2937Markina I.A. Balance of labor market in the context of domestic education development / I. Markina, Naumov O.B., Kuznichenko S.A. // Науково-практичний журнал «Наука і освіта». – 2018. Вип. 4. – С. 92-9 (Web Of Science)The article deals with the issue of the balance of the labor market in the context of the development of the education system in Ukraine. The labor market is always dynamically developing, and an important issue today is the employment of people and the professional orientation towards the future, which is based on the analysis of the needs of specialists. The main factor causing imbalances in the labor market is the cyclical nature of the development of the market economy, which, in turn, causes the corresponding fluctuations in aggregate supply and aggregate demand for labor. Overcoming the imbalance in the domestic labor market requires the creation and provision of a system for collecting and analyzing information on the professional qualifications of the workforce to develop forecasts of the development of the domestic education system. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the theoretical, methodological and practical principles of the development of the domestic system of education by ensuring the balance of the labor market. The necessity of designing and implementing a system of forecasting the professional structure of the labor market is grounded on the basis of quantitative and qualitative surveys of employers and experts in the field of employment. It is noted that one of the important areas of labor market balance in the context of the development of the domestic education system is to improve the marketing activities of educational institutions. The key indicator of the competitiveness of higher educational institutions in the domestic and world markets is the correspondence of educational programs and curricula of training specialists to the real requirements of time. The assessment of the quality of educational services of higher educational establishments of Ukraine is made and the most effective sources of finding job are determined. The main problems in the employment of the graduates of higher educational institutions are determined, in particular, the lack of vacancies in the specialties acquired, the lack of experience or the entire lack of practical experience in the specialty.enhigher educationlabor marketeducational processcompetitiveness of educationbalanceemploymentBALANCE OF LABOR MARKET IN THE CONTEXT OF DOMESTIC EDUCATION DEVELOPMENTArticle