Васильєв, Анатолій ВолодимировичПопов, Станіслав ВячеславовичСокальський, Сергій Михайлович2020-09-072020-09-072013УДК 621.436https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/8346The heating candles play important role in start-up of diesel engine especially in winter time. However, not enough attention is paid to the diagnostic process without usage of any additional equipment. For the first time the stationer diagnostic equipment is proposed. This equipment is based on the control block of connection –disconnection of the heating candles; it obtains possibility to indicate the running conditions of the heating candles and it is located in the engine of a passenger car. The diagnostic equipment is located on the base of the connection group. It provides opportunity to monitor running conditions of all heating candles simultaneously and each one independently. In this paper we present the electric scheme of the equipment and the procedure of it rigging into a passenger car. Moreover, the running condition in different temperature conditions is described. The method of disconnection of the diagnostic equipment in a summer time, when it is not needed, is proposed too. So, the usage of the diagnostic equipment, provides opportunity to increase time of heating candles exploitation and to decrease the time for the diagnostic process. In addition, convenient method of it usage is proposed: a light indicator is placed in a salon of a car, and gives opportunity to control running order of the heating candles during each start-up of an engine.heating candlesdiesel engineThe heating candles connection-disconnection control with inverse conection in a passenger carArticle