Матвієнко, Леся ГригорівнаMatviienko, L. G.2024-01-192024-01-192023https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/16325Matviienko L. H. Special software for lexicology and stylistics in a higher education environment. Новітні інформаційно-комунікаційні технології в освіті (IICTE-2023) : матеріали VIІI всеукр. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. молодих учених та студентів (м. Полтава, 22-23 листоп. 2023 р.). Полтава, 2023. С. 107-108.In today's environment, software for the study of lexicology and stylistics allows students and teachers to analyze texts and conduct linguistic research in professional training. Electronic programs for studying elements of lexicology and stylistics provide an opportunity to analyze texts in detail, to identify lexical and stylistic features. This helps students and teachers better understand the structure of language and its use in literary or scientific texts. Also, the use of such software helps in learning language patterns and rules. This is especially useful for students studying philology or linguisticsuklexicologyhigher education environmentstylisticssoftwareSpecial software for lexicology and stylistics in a higher education environmentArticle