Hapon, S. V.Hapon, Y. V.Гапон, Світлана Василівна2024-04-112024-04-112024Hapon S. V., Hapon Y. V. Moss vegetation of the class Hylocomietea splendentis marst. 1992 in the vegetation cover of Forest-Steppe in Ukraine. Bulletin of problems biology and medicine. 2024. № 1 (172). P. 88–97. DOI: 10.29254/2077-4214-2024-1-172-88-97https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17065The bryophyte vegetation of the class Hylocomiеtea splendentis was studied in natural and urban ecosystems of the Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The work aims to analyse the bryophyte vegetation of this class, to characterise the bryocenoses that form it, and to describe new biosyntaxons. As a result of the study, it was found that the bryophyte vegetation of the class Hylocomiеtea splendentis in natural and urban ecosystems of the Forest Steppe of Ukraine is represented by one order, three alliances, seven associations, five subassociations and two unranked groups. The classification scheme of the class's bryophyte vegetation and the characteristics of syntaxa are presented. Two new associations are described: Tortulo subulatae-Brachythecioastretum velutini ass. nova, Plagiomnio cuspidataeOxyrrhynchietum hianti ass. nova. and for the first time for Ukraine the association Polytricho longiseti-Dicranetum scoparii and two subassociations of the association Pleurozietum schreberi: rhytidiadelphetosum triguetri, rhytidiadelphetosum squarrosi are presented.enBryophytesbryophyte vegetationbryocenosesbryosyntaxonsMoss vegetation of the class Hylocomietea splendentis marst. 1992 in the vegetation cover of Forest-Steppe in UkraineArticle