Lozynska, T. M.Лозинська, Тамара Миколаївна2024-12-302024-12-302024-12-20Investment and infrastructure development projects in public–private partnerships in Ukraine / T. Lozynska, Birchenko N, Piskun A. et al. Economics Ecology Socium. 2024. Vol. 8. No. 4. P. 53-65 DOI: 10.61954/2616-7107/2024.8.4-52616-7107UDC 338.439.6https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/17716Acquiring sustainable development of the public-private partnership process is an urgent task, given the need for post-war reconstruction in Ukraine. Nowadays, development is suspended, which is experiencing an investment gap due to the risks and uncertainty of war conditions and insufficient guarantees for investors, an imperfect legal framework, and unresolved institutional problems. Therefore, the task of identifying obstacles to the development of public-private partnerships and improving their mechanisms arises.enpublic-private partnershipstable foundationsinfrastructure investmentproject financingeconomic recoveryInvestment and infrastructure development projects in public–private partnerships in UkraineArticle