Yeremko, L. S.Hanhur, V. V.Marenych, M. M.Len, O. I.Єремко, Людмила СергіївнаГангур, Володимир ВасильовичМаренич, Микола МиколайовичЛень, Олександр Іванович2024-07-222024-07-222024Yeremko L., Hanhur V., Marenych M., Leń O. The formation of maize hybrids productivity depending on seeding rates in the conditions of the left-bank forest-steppe of Ukraine. Dylematy rolnictwa w XXI w. – szanse i zagrożenia : VIII Konferencja naukowa z cyklu „Nauka i Praktyka – Rolnictwo różne spojrzenia” (Chełm, 3-5 czerwca 2024 r.). Chełm, 2024. P. 171–172. doi: (Zea mays L.) is one of the most widely grown cereal crops in the world. Among other field crops, it is distinguished by its high potential for biological productivity and diverse use. Recently, the grain of this crop has been getting a new use - for technical purposes, as a renewable energy source, i.e. for bioethanol production. The main factor that will contribute to the formation of consistently high yields and increase in overall corn production in Ukraine in the following years is the introduction of new and improvement of existing elements of corn cultivation technologies.enMaizehybridproductivityseeding rateforest-steppeThe formation of maize hybrids productivity depending on seeding rates in the conditions of the left-bank forest-steppe of UkraineThesis