Vinogradchyi, V. I.Nekriach, A. IНекряч, Анастасія Іванівна2024-02-132024-02-132018Vinogradchyi V. I., Nckriach A. I. Current local government reforms in the EU as a “Road map” for Ukraine. Innovative development of the economy: global trends and national features : collective monograph. Lithuania : Publishing House "Baltija Publishing”, 2018. PP. 406-418. presented article introduces and discusses the peculiarities o f the administrative-territorial system forming processes and the current state and trends o f local self-government reforming in certain EU countries (Italy, France, Slovakia, Poland); advantages and risks o f decentralized governing are explored; tendencies o f strengthening administration levels under different schemes are revealed; key aspects o f practical experience o f territorial communities amalgamation are investigated; recommendations for adopting the European experience into domestic practice are statedenCurrent local government reforms in the EU as a “Road map” for UkraineBook chapter