Vakariuk, L.Bernaziuk, O.Blok, N.Serdiuk, O. I.Zilnyk, N.Сердюк, Ольга Іванівна2024-01-302024-01-302023, L., Bernaziuk, O., Blok, N., Serdiuk, O., Zilnyk, N. Legal provision of social protection of employees in the conditions of martial law : Naukovyi Visnyk Natsionalnoho Hirnychoho Universytetu, No 6(98). Dnipro. 2023. pp. 141-148 introduction of martial law and the normative legal acts regarding the peculiarities of the realization of the legitimate interests of citizens in these conditions significantly limits the social rights of workers. Restrictions introduced by the specified normative legal acts are applied taking into account the priority of public interests and the preservation of statehood under conditions of war. Accomplishing these tasks requires unpopular decisions regarding the narrowing of social rights.enlegal supportsocial protection of employeesconditions of martial lawthe regulatory and legal fieldLegal provision of social protection of employees in the conditions of martial lawПравове забезпечення соціального захисту працівників в умовах воєнного стануArticle