Mykhailenko, H. H.Dyadyk, T. V.Михайленко, Галина ГригорівнаДядик, Тетяна Василівна2024-12-062024-12-062024-05-14Mykhailenko H., Dyadyk T. V. Marketing strategy for an educational programme to support higher education applicants (IDPs). Маркетингове забезпечення продуктового ринку : зб. тез ХVI міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Полтава, 14 трав. 2024 р.). Полтава : ПДАУ, 2024. С. 77–80. conditions of the military conflict in Ukraine have forced many families to leave their homes and move to other regions of the country, as well as abroad. Among this group of people, the situation is particularly difficult for applicants, who not only face the challenges of resettlement, but also face a difficult choice of profession and educational path. The purpose of our study is to develop a marketing strategy for a programme of strategic support for displaced higher education applicants. This programme is aimed at facilitating the process of choosing a profession and providing opportunities for successful integration into the educational environment and labour market, developing not only professional skills but also social awareness among students and preparing them for active participation in solving global problems.enMarketing strategyeducational programmehigher education applicantsIDPsMarketing strategy for an educational programme to support higher education applicants (IDPs)Thesis