Kalinichenko, A. V.Kalinichenko, O. V.Калініченко, Антоніна ВолодимирівнаКалініченко, Олександр Володимирович2018-04-022018-04-0220152223-3822http://sepd.tntu.edu.ua/images/stories/pdf/2015/15kaviap.pdfhttps://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/401Reuse of excess thermal energy of technological processes in agrarian production gives possibility not only to save energy sources of enterprise due to reuse, but also to limit emissions of heat in the atmosphere. The article compares traditional technologies of cooling of milk and heating of technological water and shows efficiency of technology of the combined production of heat and cold on the basis of heat pump use. The technical and economic calculations of efficiency of heat pump use is presented. Through the use of heat pump of "liquid - liquid" type system allows to maintain high precision temperature control of technological processes, thereby improving the quality of dairy products and reduce production costsenheat pumpsrenewable sources of energydairy productionThe use of heat pumps in agrarian productionВИКОРИСТАННЯ ТЕПЛОВИХ НАСОСІВ В АГРАРНОМУ ВИРОБНИЦТВІArticle