Войтенко, Светлана ЛеонидовнаЖелизняк, Иван Николаевич2019-09-262019-09-262019-090134-9732https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/5948It has been established that cows of the Ukrainian black-and-white breed, grown under the same conditions of housing and feeding until pregnancy was established, later showed different milk productivity depending on the type of housing, line and number of lactations, although the level of feeding of animals was the sameкоровыудойлинияконсолидированностьпривязное и беспривязное содержаниетехнологияЭФФЕКТИВНОСТЬ ПРОИЗВОДСТВА МОЛОКА ОТ КОРОВ РАЗНЫХ ЛИНИЙ И СПОСОБОВ СОДЕРЖАНИЯArticle