Rakhmetulina, ZhibekZos-Kior, M. V.Hnatenko, I.Sazonova, T. O.Rubezhanska, ViktoriiaЗось-Кіор, Микола ВалерійовичСазонова, Тетяна Олександрівна2022-01-192022-01-192021-02-12978-1-63752-710-8https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11571The proposed simulation model can be used to quantify the feasibility of creating a territorial production association of the cluster type, taking into account the specifics of the territory (region) of the cluster, the sectoral affiliation of its potential participants, the degree of institutional environment for such associated interaction for specific participants and a specific territorially localized economic system.economic-mathematical modelcluster associationfinancial-industrial clusterinnovation clustereconomic systemDECOMPOSITION APPROACH TO THE ANALYSIS OF LARGE CLUSTER STRUCTURES10.36074/12.02.2021.v1