Mykhailenko, H. H.Михайленко, Галина Григорівна2024-12-052024-12-052024-11-14Mykhailenko H. Museums as cognitive spaces: integration of psycholinguistics, marketing and educational programs. Мова і міжкультурна комунікація: теорія та практика : зб. матеріалів VІ всеукр. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Полтава, 14 листоп. 2024 р.). Полтава : ПДАУ, 2024. С. 112–115., museums play an important role in the educational process, being not only custodians of cultural heritage but also centers of education and dialogue. To achieve the greatest effectiveness in working with visitors, museums can integrate psycholinguistic and neuromarketing elements that help strengthen emotional engagement and improve information perception. Now even the advertising text is the object of a new direction of modern linguistics, which investigates the functioning of language in mass media.enMuseumscognitive spacespsycholinguisticsmarketingeducational programsMuseums as cognitive spaces: integration of psycholinguistics, marketing and educational programsThesis