Ishchejkin, TymurLiulka, V. M.Dovbush, VitaZaritska, NadiiaPuzyrova, PolinaTsalko, TetianaNevmerzhytska, SvitlanaRusina, YuliiaNyshenko, OlenaBebko, SvitlanaЛюлька, Вікторія Миколаївна2022-08-232022-08-232022 modern conditions of market economy development,the role of the agri-food sector in ensuring national security is growth. After all, enterprises in the agri-foodsector provide a significant share of exports and affect the level of food security of the country. Despite thesignificant number of competitive advantages, national agri-food enterprises face considerable challenges, especially with increasing competition in bothdomestic and foreign markets. Therefore, agriculturalenterprises are constantly forced to look for ways toensure a high level of competitiveness and sustainable development.Digitization, Digital transformation, Digital maturity, Business-processes, Smart-farming.INFORMATION SUBSYSTEM OF AGRI-FOOD ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT IN THE CONTEXT OF DIGITALIZATION: THE PROBLEM OF DIGITAL MATURITYArticle