Liulka, V. M.Dedukhno, A. V.Люлька, Вікторія Миколаївна2022-07-122022-07-122022 article is devoted to the strategies of teaching a foreign language for the implementation of professional activities. A classification of teaching strategies is given, taking into account the principles of the competence-modular organization of the educational process. Language skills involve the accumulation of special terminology in the specialty; active development of grammatical structures characteristic of business style. Communication skills are the ability to process and interpret information; own speech etiquette, conduct correspondence in English; use regional and cultural background knowledge. Integrative skills consist in the ability to independently find various sources of information in a foreign language; process, interpret information; to sell the product using communication and information technologies; communicate effectively with the consumer, colleagues, representatives of higher organizations. In order for foreign language teaching to become effective, it is first necessary to take into account the natural mechanisms of learning the native language in combination with the features that appear when mastering a second or more languages. This scientific article discusses the effectiveness of communicative methods used in the study of the English language. It was found that the communicative technique has many advantages: it helps to quickly learn a foreign language for communication and actively use speech material, develops not only language and grammatical skills, but also expands knowledge about the culture, traditions, customs of the country, and also makes it possible to conduct a comparative parallel between foreign and native languages. It is concluded that communication is necessary in the learning process, since it serves to ensure that communication takes place in adequate conditions, such as taking into account the individuality of each student, the speech orientation of the learning process, the functionality of learning, the situational nature of communication, the constant novelty of the learning process.communicative strategies, language, teaching methods, communicative approach, foreign language professional activityCOMMUNICATIVE STRATEGIES OF ENGLISH WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LEARNING DISCOURSEArticle