Fedirets, O. V.Ostashova, V. O.Sazonova, T. O.Федірець, Олег ВолодимировичОсташова, Валерія ОлександрівнаСазонова, Тетяна Олександрівна2022-01-202022-01-202021978-611-01-2365-5https://dspace.pdau.edu.ua/handle/123456789/11589Increasing the efficiency of economic activity of each enterprise has a positive effect on the state economy, the formation of local budget revenues, the level of welfare of the population. Therefore, today there is a very important problem of determining directions for increasing the efficiency of the enterprise, among which the efficiency of production and economic activity should be the main part of developing a management project measures for the development of the enterprise. The analysis of business activity within the management system allows to ensure the adoption of relevant management decisions regarding the search, formation and improvement of the enterprise potential in order to ensure their sustainable economic development and ensure a high level of competitiveness.business activityproduction and economic activityenterpriseindicators of business activityindicators for controlling the production and economic activitysubsystems of production and economic activityASSESSMENTS OF BUSINESS ACTIVITY AND EFFICIENCY OF THE ENTERPRISE IN THE SYSTEM OF ECONOMIC SECURITYBook chapter