Sheichenko, V. O.Hailis, G.Dudnikov, I. A.Fedirko, P.Шейченко, Віктор ОлександровичДудніков, Ігор Анатолійович2023-02-222023-02-222019 V., Hailis G., Dudnikov I., Fedirko P. Investigation of the tricycle tractor incline influence on its stability under the conditions of work at the of slope fields. Independent journal of management s production. v. 10, n. 7. 2019. p.725-737. (Web of Science)Stability of a tricycle tractorTractor weightSlope angleSlope angle of the tractorConditions of stable balance of a tricycle tractorINVESTIGATION OF THE TRICYCLE TRACTOR INCLINE INFLUENCE ON ITS STABILITY UNDER THE CONDITIONS OF WORK AT THE OF SLOPE FIELDSArticle