Yeremko, L. S.Hanhur, V. V.Len, O. I.Єремко, Людмила СергіївнаГангур, Володимир ВасильовичЛень, Олександр Іванович2024-07-222024-07-222024Yeremko L., Hanhur V., Leń O. The effect of mineral fertilization and foliar application on seed yield of grass pea. Dylematy rolnictwa w XXI w. – szanse i zagrożenia : VIII Konferencja naukowa z cyklu „Nauka i Praktyka – Rolnictwo różne spojrzenia” (Chełm, 3-5 czerwca 2024 r.). Chełm, 2024. P. 167–168. doi: important strategy for ensuring food security in the context of global climate changes associated with an increase in average daily air temperature and changes in precipitation patterns is introduction of cultivation technologies of legume with high adaptive capacity to adverse abiotic factors. In most countries of the world, in order to overcome the problem of protein deficiency, in recent years there has been a significant increase in interest in cultivation of legumes, both in the production of food and pharmaceuticals, and to improve the feed base in the livestock sector.enGrass peaseedyieldmineral fertilizationfoliar applicationThe effect of mineral fertilization and foliar application on seed yield of grass peaThesis