Rudnyk, I. M.Yurchenko, S. O.Mykhailenko, H. H.Рудник, І. М.Юрченко, Світлана ОлександрівнаМихайленко, Галина Григорівна2024-12-062024-12-062024-03-29Rudnyk I. M., Yurchenko S. O., Mykhailenko H. H. Basic tillage as an element of the technological process of growing corn for grain. Сучасні напрями та досягнення селекції і насінництва сільськогосподарських культур : матеріали ІІ всеукр. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. (м. Полтава, 29 берез. 2024 р.). Полтава : ПДАУ, 2024. С. 121–123. corn is one of the intensive crops that requires a scientifically sound systematic approach. Over the last decade of grain corn cultivation, there has been a significant increase in yields compared to other crops in Ukraine. A significant increase in yields is primarily due to advances in breeding and seed production that have steadily promoted corn A crucial role in increasing yields belongs to the latest breeding and seed production technologies that have purposefully promoted corn higher and higher in the ranking of the most profitable crops [5].enCorngraingrowingtechnological processtillageBasic tillage as an element of the technological process of growing corn for grainThesis