Innovative activity under the influence of the labor potential of the enterprise

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Voronina, V. L.
Ishcheikin, T. Y.
Hunko, A. Y.
Вороніна, Вікторія Леонідівна
Іщейкін, Тимур Євгенович
Гунько, Ангеліна Євгеніївна
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«Наука і техніка сьогодні», м. Київ
The article substantiates the importance of innovative activity and the influence of the enterprise's labor potential on it. The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to optimize the work of Ukrainian enterprises due to the management of their labor potential, taking into account the innovative component and regional characteristics. The methodological basis of the study was system-process approaches to the study of the problem of formation and management of labor potential and its influence on the results of innovative activity of the enterprise. Labor potential is considered by the author as the existing and projected labor capabilities of or employee, enterprise, region, a country; a set of social, demographic, intellectual, spiritual, and other characteristics of the working population or an individual employee, which can be embodied in the process of work.
Voronina V., Ishchejkin T., Hunko A. Innovative activity under the influence of the labor potential of the enterprise. Наука і техніка сьогодні (Серія «Економіка»). 2024. № 5(33). С. 324-336. URL: DOI:
innovations, innovative activity, personnel, enterprise, labor potential