Електронний репозитарій (сховище, архів) наукових публікацій – електронний архів результатів науково-дослідної роботи, публікацій науковців, викладачів, аспірантів та студентів академії, кваліфікаційних робіт студентів для їх централізованого зберігання та надання відкритого доступу до них світовій академічній спільноті у режимі онлайн.

Інструкція для науково-педагогічних і наукових працівників із додавання академічних текстів до інституційного репозитарію

Інструкція із додавання академічних текстів здобувачів вищої освіти різних рівнів до інституційного репозитарію

Правила оформлення списку використаних джерел при написанні наукових робіт

Авторський договір


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Recent Submissions

Use of implication and psycholinguistics in political campaign
(2025) Mykhailenko, H. H.; Михайленко, Галина Григорівна
Political campaigns in the modern world face the challenges of globalization and digitalization, necessitating new approaches to voter communication. The recognition of language's ability to influence political processes has emerged relatively recently. Postmodern discourse considers identity as subjective and dynamic, making it adaptable to sociocultural changes, which is crucial for the success of political campaigns. Incorporating psycholinguistics and implication strategies allows campaigns to address the fluidity of voter identities, ensuring relevance and resonance with their narratives.
Impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on world finance
(2023) Kantsedal, N. A.; Канцедал, Наталія Анатоліївна; Chernenko, K. V.; Черненко, Ксенія Володимирівна; Dugar, T. Y.; Дугар, Тетяна Євгеніївна; Leha, O. V.; Yaloveha, L. V.; Яловега, Людмила Василівна; Priydak, T. B.; Лега, Ольга Василівна; Прийдак, Тетяна Борисівна
The invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine, a sovereign country, has been interpreted from different points of view: However, beyond the different opinions, it is clear that this war, which took place in Eastern Europe, has meant a hard blow for global finances, with concrete effects in the increase of fuel prices (gas and coal), in high inflation rates and, according to data from the World Bank (WB, 2023), it has also created an international environment of restrictive financial conditions that hinder macroeconomic recovery in terms of sustainable economic development, after the COVID-19 pandemic. In this order of ideas, using a documentary methodology of geopolitical analysis, which values the geographic conditions of each country, its particular history and its international relations, the objective of the article was to interpret the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on world finances. The results obtained allow us to conclude that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has had far-reaching consequences on world finance. The economic impacts of this invasion have been significant, with disruptions in supply chains, fluctuations in inflation and commodity prices, among others
Museums as Cognitive Spaces: Integrating Psycholinguistics, Marketing, and Educational Programs for Diverse Audiences
(2025) Mykhailenko, H. H.; Михайленко, Галина Григорівна
Museums play a vital role in education, combining the preservation of cultural heritage with learning and dialogue. In the context of globalization and migration, they serve as platforms for integration and adaptation, using innovative approaches. The application of psycholinguistics and marketing enhances emotional engagement, improves information perception, and supports social adaptatio
Art and Aesthetics as Critical Infrastructure in an Uncertain World
(2025) Mykhailenko, H. H.; Михайленко, Галина Григорівна
The modern world faces global challenges, including conflicts, climate change, economic instability, and cultural polarization. In this context, art and aesthetics are not only tools for preserving cultural heritage but also serve as critical infrastructure for addressing social, economic, and emotional issues. Art helps individuals process traumatic experiences and adapt to shifting social and political realities, supporting spiritual well-being and contributing to the stabilisation of society.
Innovative Approaches to Addressing Cognitive Impairments: The Synergy of Education, Culture, and Digital Technologies
(2025) Mykhailenko, H. H.; Михайленко, Галина Григорівна
Cognitive impairments are becoming an increasingly relevant issue in modern society, especially among at-risk groups such as individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 and those at risk of dementia. Scientific research shows that cultural stimulation and active learning can positively influence cognitive functions, but the question of which approaches are most effective for different groups of participants remains open